Shinji Wakasa Sound Exhibition 【 HAKUMEI 1.2 】 2023/6/3(Sat) - 6/11(Sun)
Supported by
Sound Design / Umeo Saito (FLEX TONE)
音響展示 薄明1.2 展示概要
“薄明1.2” 27min
1.2と題する本作では、DIGINNER GALLERYの天高長方形の空間を利用して、音源薄明から5曲を選び、この音源の持つ彫刻的な音像アプローチを最大に活かした音響構成を行った。天井から吊るされた無指向性スピーカーを2台、床に4台の同軸スピーカーを設置。鑑賞者には中央に配置したボックス型のウーファーに直接座ってもらい、低音の振動を体感してもらうこととした。また、プロジェクターから投影される、時折稲妻のように光る映像は、暗い空間に暗順応した鑑賞者の目を何度も暗闇に突き落とすような役割を持っている。音量は鑑賞者の身体知覚にダイレクトに触れるようなサイズを出力した。つまり当展示は1.1での展示内容を1.0の展示内容に格納し、両展示と大幅に異なる音響構成で改めて音源そのものを見つめ直す展示となった。
音響設計: 齋藤梅生
宣伝美術: 黒野真吾
映像技術協力: 柏木太郎
In this work titled 1.2, we selected five songs from the sound source "Faint Light" and constructed an acoustic composition that maximizes the sculptural sound image approach inherent in this sound source, utilizing the high-ceilinged rectangular space of DIGINNER GALLERY. We installed two omnidirectional speakers hanging from the ceiling and four coaxial speakers on the floor. We asked the viewers to sit directly on the box-type woofer placed in the center, allowing them to physically experience the vibration of the bass. In addition, the images projected from the projector, which occasionally flash like lightning, play a role in repeatedly plunging the viewer's eyes, which have adapted to the darkness in the dark space, back into the darkness. The volume was output at a size that directly touches the viewer's bodily perception. In other words, this exhibition incorporated the content of the 1.1 exhibition into the content of the 1.0 exhibition, and became an exhibition that re-examines the sound source itself with an acoustic composition significantly different from both exhibitions.
The image itself is a visual description that abstracts the metaphor of the pinwheel seen in Osorezan, which is projected during the waiting time and overlaps multiple times, the waveform of the recorded sound source, and the motive and concept towards the production of the sound source "Faint Light".
After sunset (before sunrise), it does not get dark for a while. This is because the atmosphere in the sky is scattering sunlight and shining, which is called "Faint light". It is also called dusk, twilight, dawn, and dawn. "Faint Light", a sound source produced with the theme of death, the deceased, and
Osorezan, is a serial music and exhibition work that continues as 1.1 to 1.n as 1.0, and updates to 2.0 with significant modifications to the sound source.
Sound Desing: Umeo Saito
Graphic Design: Shingo Kurono
Creative Developer: Taro Kashiwagi
若狭真司 音響展示
“薄明1.2 “
日時 2023年6月3日〜11日|13:00〜19:00
休廊日 6/5(月)
〒152-0035 東京都目黒区自由が丘1-11-2 MAP
問合せ contact@diginner.com
AA/The Whiteで行われた展示を経てDIGINNER GALLERYで行われる1.2と題する本作は、暗闇の中立体音響を用いて今一度、死と音楽の不可知性に焦点をあて展示を行う。